May We Help You? LLC started in 2004 as a business consultant and job placement firm. Creating jobs and helping owners Brand and Market their business with a slogan, Our Answer to Service is Always, Yes! While working and marketing in this area of expertise, MWHYLLC changed from job placement to building businesses. Allowing everyone; without fear of age, status, or experience; the opportunity to work in customer service and technical support positions with a partnership created by Arise, (contact MWHYLLC and visit the Arise.com site to learn more). After a few years of successfully placing people in the jobs of their dreams, owner Latisha McDougal realized that most of the members of MWHYLLC were business owners who companies failed or experienced long periods of down time for one reason or another.
Business Solutions for entrpreneurs and small businesses has always gone hand in hand with what MWHYLLC has been about. But not everyone was in the position to continue to grow their brands and market for new clients. With the drastic shift in technology it became clear that a new outlet for owners was needed to continue to see to their success. Participating in a radio program which gave tips to business owners in new ways to use social media to engage thier customers opened her eyes to new possibilities.
February 2013 Latisha had a vision to start a radio show dedicated to members of MWHYLLC who were all business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs. The show would assist all who tuned in with the tips and tools they would need to be successful, as well as introduce them to other products and services from national businesses. The May We Help You Radio Show, features guest from the US and across the Pond. Latisha M is known as the host, who showcases Entrepreneurs in all industries, teaching the listening audience on how to become leaders, free thinkers, and the next success story.
After airing shows once a week on Blog Talk Radio for many months, Latisha transformed May We Help You Radio Show into MWHY Radio Network, collaborating with different hosts to air 7 days a week. Formatting shows for either weekly or monthly broadcasting even bringing on guest hosts and syndicated programs. Weekly hosts include: Rita Ricks with Spirit Journeys, Chere Cofield with To Your Health, Sy G. & Shawn Grow with Motivate Enrich and Inspire, Coach Caprice Smith on UnCuffed and Erica Murray on The Ultimate International Business Experience, Kent with What Works RVA, Delayna K Watkins with Total Woman Wellness, Benita & Terricinia with Off the Vine, The Joan Henry Show & syndicated weekly The Tanya Free & Friends Show. Monthly shows include: DJ RocWell with Smooth Grooves, Danita Rountree Green with Love Locked Down – Relationships Beyond the Bars, Marsha Snead Williams on The Butterfly Queen After Dark, The Big Apple Indie Music Series Radio Show with Jon Landers and Latisha M, Jessica Taylor on the Queen Esther Show, Sharvette Mitchell Show is syndicated from her network.
Since its start in 2004, May We Help You?, still remains the same. Helping businesses to grow, networking people together, and helping to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and the community. All the host on the network realize the model that MWHY represents and with the continuation of grow and change in different industries, they continue to follow the new trends and resources and pass the knowledge off to you.
To learn more about May We Help You Radio Network, the host, and their shows visit www.mwhyradio.com past shows can also be added to your favorite podcasting spots right from the site. You can also visit www.blogtalkradio.com/mwhyllc and follow them on twitter, Facebook, Google+, and LinkedIn by adding mwhyradio. Currently MWHY Radio has a great sponsorship program for business looking to advertise their services or events live on air. Contact Latisha M at latisham@mwhyradio.com
February 2013 Latisha had a vision to start a radio show dedicated to members of MWHYLLC who were all business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs. The show would assist all who tuned in with the tips and tools they would need to be successful, as well as introduce them to other products and services from national businesses. The May We Help You Radio Show, features guest from the US and across the Pond. Latisha M is known as the host, who showcases Entrepreneurs in all industries, teaching the listening audience on how to become leaders, free thinkers, and the next success story.
After interviewing CEO's who spoke of the Deregulation of the Energy Industry, Latisha started to see the potential in building a brokerage that hired Customer Associates to educate the public on the new Oil and Electric options now available to them, how through the government contracts, utility companies had to pay for customers, who qualify, to switch to a more affordable and energy reliant company. So in turn MWHY LLC now hires reps to continue to assist the community by providing cost saving options, cleaner fuel burning solutions for the environment, and job opportunities for anyone with the drive and skill to motivate and build positive relationships with those around them.
Since its start in 2004, May We Help You?, still remains the same. Helping businesses to grow, networking people together, and helping to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and the community. All the host on the network realize the model that MWHY represents and with the continuation of grow and change in different industries, they continue to follow the new trends and resources and pass the knowledge off to you.